From being unemployed then and using her “curiosity” self and opportunity give  to her to be part of Zongo INSPIRATION TEAM in learning soap making program in July 2016, Fatima Zahra Shardow, CEO at SAPTA Qleen who doubles up as an Executive Secretary with a Financial Consulting firm, I believe made the most out of her strong desire to learn a skill to better her life. 
The Bachelors Degree Holder in Public Relations from the Ghana Institute of Journalism even after her first  ‘ try and error’ samples which did not receive much positive feedback one would’ve expected to get from friends and family, our beautiful religious married Muslim woman went on further to research  more on soap making as part of the efforts in making quality products expected by consumers.

“I decided to do more research because BASIC doesn’t sell! I did and it was better than before so I made favors(rabo) for weddings and it started ‘catching fire’. I decided to BRAND it well to make it sell through social media mainly.” 

Fatima, is our first MUSLIM Woman Achiever in 2019. I have been following her entrepreneurial  journey and I must say her tenaciousness is admirable and worth emulating.

According to our SAPTA QUEEN, the soap making venture is a great experience as each day comes with something new but how to make something positive out of it is what matters most. 

She is  hopeful, despite the prevailing circumstances of not able to meet all my  customers demands  sometimes due to limited time and resources, it breaks her  heart but as an entrepreneur, she has learnt to be strategic about it and so it always get better with time. 

“Customers always prepare me for challenges, they  give me hope to continue the business because they expect that every  point in time no matter what I should have enough stock to sell to them. This is challenging but I love it because it gives me hope about the future of my venture.” She revealed. 

SAPTA  Qleen is still an emerging business aiming to achieve something in the near future but at the moment, her greatest achievement is when she is able to really satisfy her customers and Alhamdullilah this happens 90% of the time. 

Asked if she envisaged coming this far and what she dread most? She laughed and said,  I knew and I still know that I will be great! How that will happen  I don’t know but I know I will be! 

“I say this because in the initial stages the quitting thoughts run through my mind when anytime things got tough but I was determined and so there’s no turning back.”

In her own small way of impacting the zongo communities, she’s collaborated with an NGO to train some youth in detergents making and currently working on her own initiative.

She advised, if you want a future that looks really bright, have faith, hope and determination and you shall get there in shaa Allah!

As women, we have to stop finding laziness comfort  in the “ I can’t do it, I don’t have the capital, nobody’s is supportive, I have a degree and all that so why should I learn a skill, I am not educated”  etc. phrases and turn our lives around towards an impactful future.

I urge all of us to change and start looking at life with great interest into curving a notch for ourselves. Nothing is difficult to achieve under the sun. Great women started from somewhere. Let’s Believe in possibilities. 

Be like Fatima Zahra Shardow. She is a ZONGO Diamond who doesn’t only rely on her husband’s income and her office work. In the next year, we shall her of her empire because she’s on a greater path. 

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SAPTA Qleen deals in  hand and dishwashing Liquid, Hand Sanitizer, Bleach and Floor Cleaner. Contact them on +233 54 341 1941 for further enquiries. 


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