LADIES, you see that dick you are sneaking to go and chop even when you know it’s not morally right?

Subhanalah even during Ramadan!

That is what is encouraging some of these men who don’t think beyond any other important thing with regards to having relationship other than their sexual fantasies and satisfaction hence continue to take most women for granted. Oh yes!

Women! accept  it or not it’s a bitter cola to chew. The truth of the matter is we give it to them for FREE thinking that’s what seal the relationship.

And adds to the reason most of them don’t want to settle down in real time. We do it with him for long and just when we  decide enough is enough, wanting marriage and marriage not showing it’s beautiful face because dude is already enjoying all the juice without playing any major role.

At a point, some of us we get frustrated and threaten to leave and finally leave but ironically dude still goes to the other woman who allows him to have his way and on and on he gets away with it and become reluctant to marry because the most out of marriage is being gotten for free or given to him for free by a naive woman who thinks is out of LOVE.

Yes, I have been there, I was advised, I still sneaked and went to do even after my knocking. I (we) simply couldn’t wait, one,  two times of enjoyment  got me PREGNANT out of wedlock when my marriage date was actually slated.

Luckily  the man in question and his family  took 100% responsibility and Masha Allah he’s the same person I am married to. No regrets at all but I feel it could have been avoided if we controlled our sexual calling. But hey, a beautiful blessed baby girl came out of it.

But imagine the embarrassment and disappointment we caused ourselves and our families at that time especially me being the woman, societal stigmatisation, gossip and rumour.

Everyone made their own story out of it my unfortunate story and because the big belly was showing on me at the end of it all, I experienced the greater  part of how society looks at you when you get pregnant before marriage.

Alhamdullilah my case was different like I said but how many young ladies are able to come out of it like me if they get pregnant because they simple couldn’t say no to their haram sexual calling either by themselves or by their boyfriends?

Several women have had to deal with this kind of ordeal alone due to the fact that either the man denies or just accept the child and move to even marry another person.

Other times, young innocent women lose  their lives out of improper abortion just to save themselves from societal judgement and public ridicule while others smartly hide it from everyone and marry which is also a SIN and we all know the consequences in Islam.

Same abortion  will have others suffer serious health implications even in future.

All this while have you asked yourself what the man in question whom you gave in to have sex with goes through? Same man you lost your moral guard just to satisfy?

He goes through nothing, absolutely nothing except that you cheated your own self by not waiting for him to do needful.

Women, know this most men  have a way of emotionally blackmailing us for sex. They know where to touch, what to say and what to do and we will give just in to sleep with them whether married or unmarried.

If you are not married, you’ve to be smart and tactical otherwise you will be wasted, wasted by a man who thinks of nothing other than sex.

We should stop giving them sex when they’re  are not our husbands. It’s called self pride, self worth and self determination and this makes us women of substance.

When you marry, you will be running away from sex sometimes that I can assure you so take your time and stamp your feet and let the men do the needful.

Sex is not LOVE don’t confuse the two. You can’t use sex to determine if one loves you or not. Both women and men could have sex with the opposite partners and not love each other and same way someone will not have sex with you before marriage but loves you genuinely.

If they love you enough they should be responsible and reasonable to make having sex  HALAL through the right channel otherwise this will continue to be the order of the day and we the women will to suffer the more.

I am Adizah Kuburah Braimah, I had sex before marriage, you and you are doing same or probably did same before you married but let’s change the status quo.

Tell the young lady it’s not the right way. If he wants sex he should put a ring on it.

Writer: Adizah Kuburah Braimah
Facebook @Kuburah Diamonds


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