Whew🙃it’s  been a very very hectic day but it’s ended in praise. When the company you market/ media relation for, is chosen by the Energy Commission to exhibit it’s Energy Efficiency products in the Refrigeration , Air conditioning and Lighting devices from the SAMSUNG, Midea, it’s  own brand NASCO and Kodak LED lighting range, then you know you have to go all out to create the brand statement. It also means your company’s brand positioning is unbeatable. #Electroland #Samsung #Midea #Nasco #Kodak #energy commission #love my job #hustle #work hard #brand presence #target market #top best #best products #electronics #life of a career woman #empowerment #job #activation #home of electronics #appliances  #customer satisfaction #clients needs #celebration #woman #no limit woman #nothing is impossible #believe in possibilities #live your job #go all out to make your pay master happy #deliver on the job #earn it #kuburah Diamonds #know the job #make it happen #no work for the lazy one #aspire to be great #be a role model #nothing good comes easy #dream #go get it #muslim woman #fashion lover #nike #sneakers #jeans 


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